Sunday, October 23, 2016

Priceless - 2016

Rated: PG-13

In keeping with the Christian movie motif of one-word titles that basically give away the theme of the story, Priceless is about a guy named James who takes a shady job driving a truck across the country. He later discovers that he's hauling two girls, Antonia and her sister Maria, who are to become trafficking victims. Working with a conscientious citizen/mentor (another Christian movie motif), James works and fights to rescue the girls from their captor/pimp.

While this movie does fall victim to the standard Christian movie motifs, including characters stating the obvious and random mini-music video sequences, this movie was surprisingly intense. It's a great message portrayed by a great cast in a moving story. None of it felt forced or over-rehearsed. I was very impressed!

Cinematically, this movie is gorgeous! While it does default to scenic shots to fill space between scenes, these scenic shots are truly beautiful!

Seeing as this is a movie about human trafficking, there is a rather intense scene where a girl is coerced into having sex and we later see her lying in bed, covering herself with a sheet (implying that she's been raped). People fight, one guy is shot, and a few people are held at gun point.

This is a heart-thumping drama that everybody should see!

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