Sunday, March 13, 2016

Something to Ponder

My dear readers,

I have spent the last four or five blog posts talking about my thoughts on the Harry Potter series, and in every single one I have stated that, although I have made the decision to watch them myself, I still believe them to be dangerous. From what I've seen so far, they are fun stories about life, school, and growing up.  And, really, that's what they could have been; fun children's books and movies.

No, the danger comes from the references to real world paganism, Wicca, and occult practices that are interwoven into the Harry Potter universe.  And while I am not an expert on these topics, I have made sure to explain what I do know and what I've found out.

The Harry Potter universe makes these practices seem fun, like the children's stories they masquerade as.  But hidden deep beneath the surface is a much more insidious force, one of darkness and deception.  It is my belief that if parents and children saw paganism, Wicca, and the occult for what they truly are, they would run as fast as they could in the opposite direction.  But all we see in the Harry Potter books/movies are the fun, childish things like flying on a broomstick and using spells to turn ourselves into cats or other people.  All fun and games, right?

Today, I want you to see these practices for what they really are, brutal, deceptive, pure evil.  I found this article on Facebook this evening, and it immediately made me think about the Harry Potter controversy.


Vampires are monsters that suck blood, run hotels, marry pretty girls, and eventually turn out to be some disgruntled business owner in a costume (depending on what you read or watched growing up).  I think we've all joked about them and dressed up like them at costume parties.  Much like Harry Potter, the media has gone to extraordinary lengths to make vampires look as fun as possible.  But underlying that are satanic rituals and customs we can't even begin to fathom.

How anyone could do something like this to a friend is unthinkable to me.  The sad thing is that, like the girls in the Slender Man case, these young men actually believed in what they were doing.  They honestly believed they weren't brutally murdering their friend.  They believed they were giving him unending life by "returning him to his former state as a vampire". 

And thus, a young man is dead, his body wrapped in plastic and discarded on the road.

He was just a little bit older than me when he was killed.

This is the darkness that exists in the real world.  It is disgusting, brutal, and deceptive.  This is the enemy that prowls around like a roaring lion seeking whom it may destroy.  The lion masquerading as an innocent, adorable kitten to lure unsuspecting travelers into its lair.  It's real, and it's close to home.  Too close for comfort.

This is the insidious beast that hides behind the smokescreen of the Harry Potter universe.

It grieves my heart to read about things like this.  How these people went from being innocent children to brutally murdering their friend in a satanic rituals is devastating.

And bringing this whole blog post back to movies and my thoughts on Harry Potter, it grieves me that this same darkness can disguise itself with such childish innocence. 

I think the Harry Potter series could have been a fun, innocent, relatively wholesome story to be enjoyed by kids and adults alike.   But the innocence of these stories is tarnished by the underlying darkness that makes them so dangerous.

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