Sunday, January 20, 2013

About Me and My Blog

Well, here I am, ready and willing to share my crazy thoughts about movies and other things media related.  :)

A little bit about me:

I'm a film major, so I have some knowledge about movies and the process of making movies.

I'm a Christian, and I believe that Jesus Christ is my Savior.  I will try to find and share Christian morals/messages in the media I review.

I'm a book-to-movie purist, which is a term I created for "I believe that a movie adaption of a book or other piece of media should stray very, very, VERY little (if at all) from the original source".  This may seem extreme, but in some cases (Eragon and The Hunger Games for example) there are many unhappy fans who have been disappointed because the story was so distorted.

In my posts on book-to-movie adaptions, I will more than likely reference the book and the movie materials together.

Also, I do occasionally drop movie/book spoilers, for which I apologize.  I'll do my best to warn you beforehand so that you don't find out anything you don't want to know about an unseen movie/book.

Oh, and one more thing:  Every so often, I give out my own little "awards" for performances, directing, or music which I find praise-worthy.  These LMT Awards (LynZ Media Thoughts Awards) aren't really legit awards, so - if you're the actor, director, or composer I "award" - don't expect to get anything in the mail.  If anything, these "awards" should just boost your self-esteem, because a Christian film major you've never met thinks your acting/directing/music/etc. is impressive.

Okay, that's about all you really need to know about me and my blog.  I hope you enjoy my thoughts.  :)


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