Monday, November 7, 2016


Rated: PG-13

Once upon a time, a historian writes a book which claims that the Holocaust never happened. 

Meanwhile, a university professor writes another book about the Holocaust and calls the historian out on his bias toward Hitler and the lack of evidence to support his no-Holocaust theory. 

So, that historian takes the professor to court, claiming she has defamed his name and reputation.

And thus the trial of the century, the trial to prove that the Holocaust really happened.

Seeing as we still learn about the Holocaust, and may of us have had the opportunity to meet survivors or visit the sites, it's a pretty safe bet what the outcome of the trial was even before sitting though a 2-hour movie, but it's totally worth your time to do so (watch the movie). For those of us who haven't yet been or may never be able to go to Auschwitz in Poland, this movie gives us a second-hand look at the camp as it stands today (or, at least, how it stood in the late 90's).  The scenes that take place in the camp are both stark and poignant. Seeing Auschwitz in this movie felt almost just as haunting as when I visited Mauthausen Concentration Camp (and, let's be honest, a movie ticket is much cheaper than roundtrip tickets to Poland).  

I will be completely honest, I'm not a huge fan of Rachel Weisz. That being said, I actually rather enjoyed her performance in this movie.  Cinematically, it's beautiful, especially the scenes filmed in Auschwitz! 

Do I recommend this movie?  YES! 

GO SEE IT!!!  You won't regret it!

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