Thursday, March 19, 2015

Insurgent Count Down

9 Hours, 10 Minutes

So, I'm excited for Insurgent!   It technically doesn't come out until Friday,  but my friend and I found a pre-showing on Thursday night which works great I work close to the theater until shortly before the 8pm showtime. 

The only problem was that I got called in to cover for my coworker Thursday morning ( today as it turns out ),  so I will be working a grand total of 12 hours!   The sad part is that my boss just now realized that I'd be here all day.  

But at least we still get to see Insurgent tonight!  

So, to pass the time until 8pm, I've started this count down,  during which I will chronicle the hours leading up to showtime, and my thoughts and predictions about the movie.

I've already been here for 3.5 hours, so only 9.5 more to go! 

8 Hours, 53 Minutes

Longest 30 minutes ever!  I'm so hungry!   But I should probably wait until noon to eat lunch since I won't be able to eat again until after work.   Someone put on order on hold, but there is next to no information on it so I have no idea who it belongs to or when/if they'll pick it up.   Lovely.

At least things haven't been too busy here at work this morning,  and my boss [temporarily] doesn't seem to mind if I listen to music while I work.  On top of that, the Insurgent soundtrack is already available on iTunes!  Naturally I downloaded some tracks and have been listening to them all morning.   If the soundtrack is any indication, Insurgent is going to be AMAZING!

Usually when a production brings on a new composer to do the soundtrack in the middle of a series ( Divergent's was done by Junkie XL,  and Insurgent's was done by Joseph Trapanese ), I get a little nervous about it.   After all, the last I remember this happening in recent history was in the Narnia movies,  and Voyager of the Dawn Treader's soundtrack did nothing to bandage what could have been a great film. Arguably, Harry Gregson-Williams' scores for the previous two Narnia movies was MUCH better.

However, listening to Divergent and Insurgent back to back,  it's actually hard to tell the difference between these two scores.   Okay,  there's a distinct difference between them, but they compliment each other quite nicely.

Divergent's is definitely meant to be more airy and light-hearted while at the same time heavy and dramatic to mirror Tris's innocence at the beginning of the movie,  and all of the struggles she endures to grow into the fierce, determined Divergent she becomes at the end.  

Insurgent's, on the other hand,  I think is meant to be more heavy and conspiratorial.  Gone is innocent and hopeful Beatrice Prior who defected to Dauntless.  Now she's Tris, the fearless warrior chick who has fought the dictatorial Erudite and saved Abegnation from extinction.   And Tris has been through all kinds of crap at this point.   She had to kill her friend, watch both of her parents die, and was almost killed herself...multiple times.  Now she and her little band of followers and frienemies are on the run from Erudite and their leader Jeanine.  Trapanese uses an artful mix of cellos, violas, and violins to give the music an overall feeling of urgency and secrecy perfect for the story.

7 Hours,  55 Minutes

Lunch time!   Finally!  

I contacted my friend,  and we agreed it would be best to get our tickets ahead of time.   I'm SOOO excited!  

The people at Einstein's Bagels made my sandwich on a cinnamon raisin bagel this time.   That's unusual, since it's either on a sesame seed or everything bagel.

But enough about me and my precious bagel lunch.

This morning, my Dad left me an article from the local paper about the movie.  The reviewer said it was terrible.   Frankly,  that's one reviewer's opinion I happen not to share.

6 Hours, 23 Minutes

Whew!  Been busy for the last couple hours.   Had a surge of customers, then my boss gave me a massive project,  which was interrupted by another surge of customers.   The janitor is cleaning the office right now,  so I have a few minutes to relax and write a bit. 

Still very excited for Insurgent tonight!  I think it's going to be so beautiful!   The preview looks visually gorgeous, so my natural assumption is that the movie will be as well.   The special effects are going to be AMAZING!   And the performances will be spectacular!  They have a nice mix of newer famous people (Shailene Woodley,  Ansel Elgort, Miles Teller) and older famous people (Kate Winslet,  Naomi Watts,  Theo James).  You would never have imagined all of these talents in one film (I'm still having a hard time believing Naomi Watts is in it), but here they are.  Like Divergent before it, Insurgent is bursting with talent!  How can it not be good?

5 Hours,  43 Minutes

Is it seriously only 2pm?  Seriously?   Wow!  

4 Hours,  9 Minutes

Afternoons here at work are always busy, but the good news is that time flew during the busyness!   Now that things have slowed down a bit, I'm back to this project my boss gave me earlier.   Hopefully I can get it all finished on time.   I don't want to be late to Insurgent tonight. 

One thing I will be very interested to see is how they portray Tris's "execution" (bwah hah hah, spoilers!).  The scene was so beautiful in the book.  I really hope they do it right in the movie.   But if there's one thing I learned from Hunger Games and Voyage of the Dawn Treader, it's never to expect anything in the movie adaption.

So, I got some friends together a few weeks ago,  and took some pictures of how I would portray the scene (what was even better was that I got to use it for a class assignment recently!).  I'll have to share it with you all someday,  but I can't put it up now because I don't have a copy of it on my phone.

Anyway,  shortly after taking the picture,  a new Insurgent trailer came out.   And this new trailer seems to suggest that the scene will be included in the movie,  but they changed it to meet their cinematic needs (another thing I've come to expect from film adaptions).

It will be very interesting to see the whole sequence in the context of the movie, and to compare it to my photo.   I think mine is more accurate to the book,  but I have a feeling theirs will be good too.  We shall see tonight!

3 Hours,  13 Minutes

I have officially been awake for twelve (12) hours! 

They say you should only be awake for 15 hours, but I will have been up a lovely total of 18 hours and 30 - something minutes by the time the movie's over.

It's only supposed to be 2 hours long,  but I learned a while ago to factor in at least 20 minutes for trailers.  So next time you're running late to a movie,  take a deep breath and remember it doesn't actually start until 20 minutes after the listed showtime.

I must be getting tired because I'm rambling about movie times.  Maybe I can shut my eyes for a bit before the movie starts?  I hope I don't fall asleep during it.  Not out of disrespect, but just because I've been up since 4:37am.  Hopefully I will stay awake.  I don't want to miss anything!

2 Hours,  14 Minutes

It's so nice to see the time ticking away.   I close up here in about 15 minutes,  then a little paper work,  and I'm FREE!  

I've got my ticket all printed out and I'm dressed rather Dauntlessly.  All I need now is something for dinner and I'll be all set.

I'm so excited!  I think I've said that, like,  a million times already,  but it's still true.  

1 Hour, 15 Minutes

Wow!  Seriously?   One hour to showtime?  

Anyway,  I'm finally done at work,  and just grabbing some yummy goodness for dinner.  Soup and a Ceasar salad hit the spot after a long day! 

I wonder how it will begin?  How close to the book it will be?   Will the end leave me screaming?   I guess I'll find out in an hour!

18 Minutes

Here we are, in our seats, waiting for the movie to start!   I will probably have a lot to say afterwords, so check back tomorrow or the next day!   Have a great evening!

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