Sunday, December 11, 2016

Nocturnal Animals

Rated: R

Basically, this is a story about a rich museum coordinator (Amy Adams) who receives the manuscript of a book her considerably less wealthy ex-husband (Jake Gyllenhaal).

The story by her ex-husband:
A family is driving through West Texas when they have a scary run-in with a group of drunk sociopaths, which ends with the man (also Jake Gyllenhaal) stranded in the middle of Nowheresville, TX and his wife (Ilsa Fischer) and teenage daughter brutally murdered.

A year later, the man is working with a dying cop to hunt down the men who killed his wife and daughter and bring them to justice.

This movie is going to get nominated for something, either sound design or cinematography, or both.

The story was just...weird.  Lots of nudity. Lots of swearing. Not so much on-screen sex, though. There is a brief rape scene, but it's blurry and the camera moves a lot so you don't see anything graphic (which is ironic considering how much nudity there is in other sequences).  And don't even get me started on the opening sequence.

The movie goes out of its way to lump Christians, conservatives, and Republicans in with sexists and racists which I found rather discouraging (and offensive, if I dare use that already over-used word), but I would like to point out that it also shows the presumably liberal, Democratic, tolerant character choosing a rich, good-looking guy over the Middle Class guy she truly "loved" (as to why anyone would dump Jake Gyllenhaal is beyond me).

I do kinda feel like this movie was a waste of my time, but, hey!  There was a promotion at the theatre, so I did get a thousand bonus points out of it. 

I highly recommend skipping this one.